Sunday, November 13, 2011

Red Creek - Priscella's Diary - 1st entry

         Here are a couple of pictures of Priscella. This first one is dated June, 1874.

           The second one has a date of Feb12th, 1889.

       I think we can agree she was a very striking woman. This next piece is one of the earliest entrys in her diary. I hope you enjoy.

Diary of Priscella Cardwell - January 16th, 1874
       A new beginning. A fresh start. Johnny and I arrived here in the town of Red Creek yesterday. We are staying in a local hotel for now, until Johnny can find us a place. He is so sweet. He is determined to make a home for us here. He is lookin to get hired on up at this ranch we passed on out way into town. I think it is called the Circle M. Said to be owned by a hard working, god fearing couple that come up outta Texas. The Mitchellsons is what I heard. I hope Johnny gets hired on. I am gonna talk to the schoolmarm today and see if there is any work for me. I don't mind being a helper, or anything else. I will be a maid if I need to be. I am willing to do just about anything I can to help make a life for us here.
    Well, almost anything. Those days are past and it's best I forget them. And him. I am a wife now, a new woman. And I love Johnny. I surely do. He is what is best for me. And the baby. Lord knows I will love this child with everything I have. But I hope he forgives me. I am a little scared. What if.... No. Best not to dwell on such things. I am a respectable woman now. A wife with a good man, and a child on the way. Things are gonna be different here in Red Creek. I have faith.
      But sometimes, I still see his face at night.
      Lord, give me strength.

1 comment:

  1. A woman trying to escape her past and start over. Your past can sometimes come back to haunt you and draw you back in. Beware Mrs. Cardwell.
