Thursday, November 17, 2011

Letter from Fergus "Fingers" O'Malley - October 1875

Miss Cardwell,

  Howdy Ma'm. Sheriff Barker has been kind enough to allow me to write this here little letter while I am a guest here in his little steel hotel. I just wanted to thank you for what you did the other afternoon. I know that I must make a sorry appearance. No one would have expected someone like you to go out of her way for someone like me. In fact, I imagine it must have cost you some embarrassment from the folks around town. I am very sorry for any problems I might have caused a fine church going lady such as yourself. The world can be a hard place Mrs. Cardwell. Lord knows it seems to have gotten the best of me. There was a time Ma'm, when I was a better man than the old run down drunk I have become. I have known kindness, it just seems a long long time ago. To see it again, especially in the form of such a pretty young thing, well it does this old heart some good.

    I am sure them boys didn't mean to do me any real harm, I think they was just blowin off some hot air. But I am sure grateful for your interference. Wish I would had been sober enough to see the looks on their faces when you told them off like ya did. Yes Ma'm I imagine it must have been a sight. I know there ain't really too much a man like me can do to repay your kindness, but I do want you to know that I aim to try. I have run into your husband here and there around town, and if'n you don't mind me sayin so, I have noticed that he could use a little lookin after himself now and again. I know it don't amount to much Mrs. Cardwell, but I will do the best I can to keep an eye out for him. Try to steer him out of some tight spots if I can.

  Anyways, I just wanted to say thank ya again for what you done. I know I am just an old drunken fool, but I am in your debt Ma'm

Fergus O'Malley
October 17th 1875

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