Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ruby's Letters - February 1876 (The Trail and the Truth)


Dearest Sister,

   My word girl, things have got to where they move so fast round here anymore I am havin a hard time just keeping you up to date! Big news is the Marshal done caught that bastard Kid Holmes that killed the Sheriff. Beat the hell out of him to it looks like. Ha! They are having his trial tomorrow I hear. The local judge is still in town from the trial of that poor horse thief Johnny. They found the boy guilty. Judge said to hang him on Saturday morning. I feel real bad for him. He never did seem like a bad sort. Just got mixed up with the wrong people. His wife is beside herself. I went to see her last night. Never really got too friendly with her before, what with her being the school marm, and me running girls from a saloon. But still, I felt it was the right thing to do.  Good Lord Margo, the things we learn about people sometimes is enough to knock ya plum over!

   I guess I should start at the trial. Judge Webster from Abilene was brought in. He is an older fella with a long beard and a pinched up face. Seems like an ass if ya ask me. (I know, people don't have to ask, I share my opinions freely!) The lawyer talked about Johnny's drinking and gambling problems. They said he helped the outlaws steal from Mitchellson's ranch to help cover his debts. Then when the posse rode out to get the horses, they said he opened fire on them along with the rest. They pulled the Marshal on the stand, and the strange thing was he didn't really say nothin that seemed to prove Johnny's quilt. Seemed to me he was tryin his best to avoid the questions when they came to Johnny. Like he was protecting him or something.
   Well, no matter what Snake might have been doing, the jury convicted Johnny right off. They said any man that would help a black hearted villian like Kid Holmes deserved what he got. The judge agreed, and sentenced him to hang. His wife, Prissy screamed and fell right out in the courtroom. Funny thing was how the Marshal got all concerned and carried her out. Her husband musta been in shock, he just sat there, all quiet when they said he was gonna die. Like he didn't care. It's a shame.

    But with the outlaw Holmes in jail and awaiting his own trial, the town didn't seem to get too worked up over Johnny's fate. But still, I felt bad so like I said I went over to see his wife last night check in on her. Now this gal is real friendly with the wife of our livery owner. Her name is Sally and she always seems nice enough. Her husband is one of the Marshal's deputy's as well. When I got to the door I heard the two of them talkin inside. Now you know I ain't one to evesdrop or anything like that. I was just being polite and not intrude with a knock until the moment seemed right. (I know Margo, don't say a word!) Then I heard Sally say something that plum knocked my garters off! She said "You have got to tell him that he's the boy's father Prissy! It ain't right to keep it from him!"
   Now I think I told you that Johnny and Prissy had a beautiful baby boy. He's about a year and a half or so I think. And if I was hearing things correctly, Johnny ain't the child's father??? I am sure he didn't know that.
  "I can't Sally!" I heard Prissy reply. I could tell she was crying. "Johnny is Joshua's pa!!"
  "Jonny is gonna be dead in 2 days Prissy! They are gonna string him up right with the rest of them. You have to accept that darlin. There ain't nothing to do for it now. And your son is going to need a father! He gonna need his real pa! I'm sorry. You know I love you, I have given you my word to not tell a soul, and I won't Prissy, I won't. But you need to. You can't hold keep that secret any longer. It's not fair to you, Joshua, or to Snake!"
   Holy Shit!

  I turned and left the house as quick as I could and came back to the Saloon. I took a bottle to a quiet table in the back and thought about what I had heard. Jesus. It all made sense. Now I knew who Snake was in love with. And knowing how he seems to favor "sportin' women", I can just about guess where he met her! I knew she had secrets in her past. I could always tell a girl of the trade when I saw them. Damn.
  I am not sure what I feel Margo. It really ain't none of my affair. But damn it, I agree with Sally. It ain't right. I know I rarely ask you for advice Big Sis, but, what do you think I should do?


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Priscilla's Diary - February 1876

   Things are moving way too fast for me. Johnny is healing and they have scheduled his trail to start in a couple of days. Snake said the Judge is due in tomorrow. Johnny seems to have given up hope of a favorable outcome. He is resigned to hang. I hate it. I want to scream, I want to fight. I just don't know against who. Against God maybe? No, I shouldn't say that. It's just so unfair! I know he was wrong, but he is a good man. He doesn't deserve to hang. It's the outlaw Holmes. He should be the one hanging! Well, I guess he'll get his chance. Snake finally caught him. He is in the jail house with my Johnny. The thought of it makes my blood boil! I have to do something, I just don't know what.
   Sally knows about Snake now. She figured it out. She knows about Joshua as well. Said that once she started looking for it, it was obvious. I made her promise not to say a word. I don't want them to know. They can't. I couldn't stand the hurt it would cause both of them. One day perhaps, but not now. Not with Johnny....... I cant even think about it. Lord, what am I going to do?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Red Creek Tribune - February 8th 1876

Kid Holmes Captured!!!!
By Silas Furgenson - owner, Red Creek Tribune

Outlaw "Kid" Randolf Holmes

    The murdering outlaw Kid Holmes was brought to justice yesterday by Marshal Snake Johnson! In a daring ambush in the foothills the Marshal, and Deputy Shots Scafe were able to capture Holmes alive, while killing two of his men and freeing 3 young hostages. The day before the lawmen, along with Deputy John Roberts, arrested 4 other of Holmes' men, while Marshal Johnson shot down renown outlaw "Big Tom" Walkins in a fast draw.
   Holmes, who it is reported is wounded and looking very much the worse for wear after his encounter with Marshal Johnson, is currently under lock and key in the town jail. Along with the other 4 men Deputy Roberts brought in, and Red Creek resident Johnny Cardwell, who is awaiting trial for co operating with the outlaw gang in stealing horses last month from the Circle M Ranch.
  According to Doc Thomas, Holmes was shot in the leg, and sustained other injuries in a fall. Marshal Johnson was shot as well in the left arm, but is recuperating fine.
  Fears and rumors are currently afloat in the town's saloons of a violent reprisal by Holmes' gang still on the loose in an attempt to free their leader. Deputy Roberts assures this paper that the lawmen, with help from Wyatt Mitchelson of the Circle M, are ready and prepared for any such event.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter from Snake Johnson - March 1876 (Part One)


  (Note from Barry - This letter was written as Snake recuperated from his wounds. It is a long letter describing everything that happened with the outlaw Holmes and the trial and hanging of Johnny Cardwell. I am going to break it into different parts and spread it out with other accounts of the events from different people. Hope not to confuse you anymore that I already may have! LOL)


     Now that things are over, I figured I owed you the truth. Or at least most of it. Know first that I love you girl. I reckon I always will. But that is neither here nor there now.

    After the town meeting in the church, I deputized Fingers. I had him watch over your husband at the jail while myself, John, and Shots set out to the hills. We packed enough gear for several days. My worry was I didn't know how big The Kid's gang actually was. Johnny told me he didn't know, he had never seen them all. And I believed him. I was hoping we might get lucky and catch them in small groups, or out alone. Turns out we were half lucky. After 3 days we caught a trail and followed it. That night we came upon a group of 5 men as they were cooking their supper. I recognized one of them. His name was Big Tom. I knew he was ridin with Holmes 6 months back, so we had the right men. I had John and Shots get behind them and take cover. When they were ready I stepped out of the shadows and into the light of their fire with my pistols drawn.
   "Howdy Tom," I said. They started to reach for their rifles. "Now boys, don't be foolish." I pulled back the hammers on both of my guns. "You know I didn't come alone." I heard the cocking of both John's shotgun and Shot's rifle.
  "Marshal," said Big Tom, "you might not have come alone, but you also know I ain't going without a fight." He was a tall, thick, stupid man with a large bushy beard and a bald head.
   "Yeah I figured as much Tom." I replied, "but you gonna get these other fellas kilt too?"
   "You boys step away now. This here is between me and this ugly bastard." The others did as they were told. "Men," I called out to the rocks above,"you keep your sights on these others. One of them thinks about drawing, you put em down. Alright Tom, it's just me and you now". I holstered my guns. "You ready?"
  "You always were a stupid son of a bitch." He drew his gun, and died.

   I sent John back to town with the other fellas. But first I learned where Holmes was. Seems he had rode out to meet a band of flesh trading Comanche. Just him and 2 others. They were due back the next day. Shots and I rode ahead to ambush him before he got back to the main force of his gang.
   We found a spot just above the trail we figured Holmes would be coming down. We had learnt from the prisoners that the main force of the gang, now numbering about 16 men, were in a large ravine about 3 miles to our east. From there they had been able to strike out to about 5 or 6 towns and outposts. They were waiting for one big score in Red Creek before they lit out south for the border. The men we captured didn't know what that score was supposed to be, just that it was rich.
   About 2 o clock we spotted a set of horses coming up the trail. As they got closer I saw it was Holmes and his two men. The men were leading a string of 3 ponies. On each of the ponies sat a skinny girl. The girls looked to be 12 or 13 years old. I wanted to put a bullet in Holmes' head right then. But I didn't. Instead I had Shots kill his horse. The beast screamed and rared as he went down with Holmes underneath. I shot the man on his right has he drew his gun. The other spurred his mount and took off as fast as he could right under us. I dropped him when he got within 10 feet. The girls were screaming and one of the ponies raised up dumping his rider before he sprinted into the woods. Before I realized it Shots had jumped down from our hiding spot and was running up the road to where The Kid lay pinned under his horse.
    "Shots!" I yelled after him "No son, don't-" The pistol shot rang out and I saw the boy spin in his tracks and fall. Holmes rose up from behind his horse and began firing in my direction. I stood up and took aim. The tree bark behind and to the side of me exploded from his bullets. I got off two shots before I felt the bullet tear into my left forearm. But I heard Holmes yelp in pain at the same time so I knew at least one of my own had hit their mark. I saw The Kid turn and run into the trees. I leapt from the cover of the rocks and ran after. He was limping bad. Apparently I had lit him in the leg. I gave chase. We ran down hill and soon I was within leaping distance. I jumped onto his back just as he was turning to fire his weapon again.The shot went wide as I hit him and we fell, tumbling down the hill. With a sudden stop we hit a large tree. The breath was knocked out of me. As I gasped for air I saw Holmes try to rise, his face covered in blood from a nasty cut above his eyes. He was looking for his gun, but he must have dropped it in the fall. My holster was empty as well. I saw The Kid grab a large rock and begin to raise it over his head, like he was going to try to bash my brains in. A evil grin crossed his face and I imagined this must have been the same grin my brother saw right before he killed him. The thought of Tobias cleared my head. I let Homes come closer.
     "So long Marshal." he said as the stone went above his head. "Tell your brother I said hello."
     "Tell him yourself you motherless fuck!" I pulled the 8 inch blade from my hip and struck out as fast as I could.

    Why I didn't stick him in his evil heart, I don't know. God knows he deserved it. But my knife plunged into his thigh. He screamed and dropped the small boulder. I rose up and fell atop of him. My fists found his face again and again. But the next thing I knew I was being pulled off of him. It was Shots. Holmes' bullet has left a gash across his forehead. He was hurt, but alive. "Let me go damn you!" I screamed. "Let me go!"
   "No Marshal!" He said, holding me back. "We need to take him in. He needs to hang!"
   Damn. The boy was right. I stood up and looked down at Holmes' bloody face. He coughed and spit a tooth out. He looked at me and grinned. I kicked him hard in the nose. Then took him back to town.

The Begining of the End


  Hello my friends. Barry here. Man o man, Feburary 16 already? Looks like it has been a couple of weeks since I have been able to post anything new. Things have been a bit busy around here lately. Busy, but good. I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's day if you are into that sort of thing. We did.

     I hate to say it, but it looks like we are getting near the end of our little story. Things are coming to a head in Red Creek. Prissy, Snake, Johnny, and the rest of the town are in store for some surprises. But, I don't want to get ahead of myself. I think you guys will enjoy the way this tale unfolds. Up next my friends is a first. We have a letter written by Snake himself describing the capture of Kid Holmes!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Letter from Johnny Cardwell - February 1876

My dearest Prissy.

    How did it come to this? My heart is in pieces, broken by shame and guilt. I can't seem to put into words how sorrowful I feel. It is hard for me to even look you in the eye Prissy. I can't say the things to you that I want to, that I need to. I don't know where I went wrong. I should have never quit the Circle M. I am just weak Prissy. I am a weak man. That's the truth of it. And now they are gonna hang me for it. I know they are. I was always lookin for the easy way for everything. And when it didn't come easy, I was never willing to work for it. I am so sorry. You put your faith in me, and I let you down. You deserve a better man than me. Joshua deserves a better father.  I swear Prissy if I could change things....... but I can't. I want to blame the drink. I want to blame bad luck at the tables. I want to blame everything and everybody. But I know it's my fault. All of it. You should have never married me.....

   Sometimes I think about that. I wonder why you fell for someone like me. You hardly even knew me. I was only in town for a few weeks, and when I left, I had a beautiful new wife. I don't know what you ever saw in me. But whatever it was, you were wrong. You could have done so much better than this. A drunken horse thief. I am sorry.

        I brought you here. I brought this shame on you. And our son. When I am gone Prissy, please try to keep the truth of this away from him. Let him believe his daddy was a good man. Raise him right. Be proud of him, even as I know you will never be proud of me. I deserve what is coming to me. I know it. But I am afraid of it as well. I don't want to die Prissy. I, ...... I, 

   I love you.
   Your husband,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Letter from Sally Roberts - February 1876


   Dear Prissy, my my girl, I am sorry you had to miss the excitement this afternoon. It sure was something! I thought Wyatt Mitchelson was gonna shoot Dan Bullard right in the middle of the Church! He might have too, if the Marshal hadn't have gotten involved. But I reckon I should start from the beginning.

  The meeting sure was packed. Never seen the Church that full, and that is an honest shame. But people were standing all in the back and up the side aisles. And there was still more trying to look in the windows. Reverend Pierce called the meeting to order and said an opening prayer. He talked about how we are on the edge of damnation and the need to turn away from the wild violence and evil that have been stalking the town. He then asked Miss Daisy to sing a hymn, but before she could even start, Dan Bullard stood up and said "Is this a damn Sunday Sermon, or a town meeting? Let's get on with it!!" Several people seemed to agree, so poor Miss Daisy sat back down. Poor thing, I felt bad for her. You know how she loves to sing in front of people.  Well then Silas, the newspaper man stood up and gave everyone an accounting of what's been going on in town since Sherrif Barker was murdered. He spoke of Kid Holmes' arrival, and how he killed Mr. Barker right on the street. Then how Snake came to town, the stealing of Mitchelson's horses, (sorry to bring it up dear), the shootouts in the hills and in Rose's Saloon. He also spoke of the near riot in front of the jailhouse the other day. Then they asked the Marshal to get up and say his piece about Holmes and the strange men behind the attack in town.
   Now the Marshal seems like a good, honest, fearless man, but a public speaker he is not. I swear Prissy, the poor thing looked almost ill when he had to get up to speak. First he went into the history of Kid Holmes. Did you know that he killed the Marshal's brother a few years ago??? What a monster this man must be! Then he talked about the raid on the Circle M Ranch, and the shootout the following day. And this is where things went sideways.
   Bullard started making a fuss about the Marshal using local townfolk to go after Homes. He blamed him again for the deaths of the two young men. My John stood up and said "We all knew what we were in store for. The Marshal warned us it was dangerous to go. No one forced Kevin and Jimmy to ride up to those hills with us. They understood what they were doing!"
   "Nobody is saying they didn't!" said Bullard as he walked down the aisle to the front of the church. "What I am saying is they should not have been givin the opportunity to go after such a dangerous man. Those boys had no training hunting down fugitives! And from his own lips we have all heard that the Marshal knew how deadly this outlaw was! Maybe he was so blinded by his own lust for revenge that he just didn't care who he put in the line of fire!"
   "God damn it Bullard!" A loud voice roared from the crowd as Wyatt Mitchelson stepped out. "I am sick and damn tired of hearing you whine and wail about who did what to who! This bastard murdered Lloyd Barker right in the middle of town! I don't hear you goin on about that!"
   "We all mourn for Lloyd, Wyatt!" said Bullard. I could see his face start to turn red. "But that ain't the point!"
   "Then what exactly is the God damn point?" Said Mitchelson as he moved up front to confront the Saloon owner.
  "Gentlemen!" called out Reverend Pierce "I remind you that this is the Lord's House! Watch your tongues!"
  "Sorry Reverend."said Wyatt. "I know you Dan Bullard. I know you better than most in this town. I know exactly who you are and what you are capable of. And you best not think for one damn minute that I don't!"
  "What are you saying Wyatt?" Bullard's voice dropped low and cold.
  "You know God damn well what I am saying, Dan. You want me to believe these boys that shot up Rosie's the other night, just happened to be here by accident?!? You think I am that stupid?"
  "Watch yourself rancher." Bullard's voice was almost a whisper, but I could make it out. "You don't know what the fuck you are doing."
  At this point Snake spoke up and tried to get between them. "All right now. We are not gonna travel this road today. Ya'll need to sit back down. Now." The two of them continued to stare at each other. "I am giving ya 10 seconds to sit or I am gonna haul both your asses to the jailhouse right now!"
   "I am not gonna sit down Marshal." said Bullard as he turned back to the crowd. "This meeting is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I guess a man ain't free in this town anymore to speak his mind. Fine. If that's how you people want to live, that's just fine. But I know what's right, and what's not. I am willing to stand up for myself, even if the rest of you aren't." He turned back to Snake and Wyatt. "You gentlemen have a nice day." With that he turned and walked down the aisle to the front door. At first a few of the men who work for him rose and followed him out. Then Johnathon Dukes, the banker, stood and left as well. Then a few more. And a few more. Soon it seemed like most the church was leaving.
  "Friends!" said Mitchelson trying to stop the flow. "Friends, we need to stick together in this! We need a plan to protect our town!!"
  "Let them go Wyatt." said Snake. "What we need to do, most can't help with anyway."
  "What do you mean?" said Mitchelson.
  "You want to protect this town? So do I. The person I care most about in this whole world lives right here and is in danger. I am gonna find and kill this son-of -a-bitch once and for all. Me and my deputies. But I need your help. How far you willing to go Mitchelson?"
  At this point Snake looked at John and I. John turned to me and said. "You should get on home to the boys now Sally." I looked at him puzzled. "Go on now. You shouldn't be here anymore. I will be home shortly."
  I felt a hand at my elbow and turned to see Ruby Rose trying to lead me out. "Come on darling, let's go." We walked out and they shut the door behind us. "Did you hear the Marshal say he loved someone here in town?" Asked Ruby. "I wonder who he was talking about?"

  I think I know the answer to that Prissy. We need to talk.